Thursday, June 7, 2018

Durnford No. 1

A beautiful Tuesday evening in early June. The beat I wanted available and all available reports indicating that the Mayfly hatch was underway. What could be better?! In reality not much, but there was one small fly in the ointment, a biting Northerly was blowing directly downstream making presentation tough and bringing an unwelcome cold edge to the evening. 

The fish proved judicious, they certainly were not in full Duffer mode and I had to work for the three WBT that I was able to bring to the net. On reflection there is something a little paradoxical in trying to cast Mayfly patterns with a bulky wing tied on a size 10 long shank hook with a 7’6” rod. In many respects, even had there been favourable conditions, this was a truly compromised outfit. In less than ideal conditions I was making a hard job that much more difficult. 

There was a measure of pride in recording that the only other rod to fish No. 1 on that day had drawn a blank.

All pictures from Durnford No. 1 on the Avon… 

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